Eminem Platinum Collection
Eminem. Eminem. AKA Marshall Bruce Mathers IIIBorn 1. Oct 1. 97. 2Birthplace Kansas City, MOGender Male. Race or Ethnicity White. Sexual orientation Straight. Occupation Rapper. Nationality United States. Executive summary The Real Slim Shady. Yet another white performer to adopt a black musical form and achieve massive popularity with the white youth market a phenomenon perhaps most clearly demonstrated by the career of Elvis Presley, Eminem has also joined the list of artists to be transformed from public menace to respectable mainstream performer through the power of extravagant record sales another move previously exemplified by Presley. Vice Versa Pro Full more. Like most of the latter group, the rappers rise to fame has been riddled with controversies, personal crises and an inability to find a healthy way to deal with his sudden fame. Unlike most of the other names in the former category, however, Eminem emerged from within the black scene that inspired him and has remained integrated within it, rather than creating a whitewashed Pat Boone version of hip hop deliberately separated from its origins. Brought into the world as Marshal Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri, the future rappers father abandoned his family less than a year later, leaving the still teenaged mother to raise their son on her own. Extremely poor and constantly forced to move between various unpleasant living situations in Detroit and Kansas City, by all accounts Mathers had a throughly miserable childhood the details of which have since become the subject of several of his songs. An interest in rap emerged early in his life, and by the age of 1. High school proved to be a poor match for his temperament, and after failing the 9th grade three times he finally dropped out to focus fully on pursuing a career in music. The hip hop community was far from immediately accepting of the moody white boy, but Mathers who had adopted the stage name M M, later modified to Eminem remained unshakeable in his determination to establish himself a determination that was edged towards desperation by the pregnancy of his girlfriend Kim in 1. After a period performing with The New Jacks, Eminem began to earn some recognition in Soul Intent through a small pressing of the single Fuckin Backstabber bw Biterphobia in 1. EseGUEOGUCrd2OGvJzTwBi3I_2s=/fit-in/600x549/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-10259919-1494262815-9140.jpeg.jpg' alt='Eminem Platinum Collection 2001' title='Eminem Platinum Collection 2001' />The following year he recorded the solo album Infinite, released in a quantity of only 4. The repercussions of the records failure on his personal life were severe enough to push the rapper into an attempt at suicide, but following his recovery from the attempt he renewed his efforts, drawing on more negative sources of inspiration to create The Slim Shady EP 1. Thurs, Nov 3, 2016. MICK RAPLHS. Following the Bad Company UK tour that wound up last Saturday at Londons 02 Arena the family and representatives of the bands. As Eminems reputation grew, he was recruited by several rap groups the first was the New Jacks. After they disbanded he joined Soul Intent, who released a single on. Free mp3 downloads. Download songs and play radio with lyrics, news, bios, photos, music videos, and playlists. The demo EP eventually came to the attention of rapperproducer Dr. Dre, who was impressed enough to seek out its author and sign him to a contract. Upon the release of his DreBass Brothers produced debut The Slim Shady LP in 1. Qq. 17 October 2017 Little Mix will release Glory Days The Platinum Edition this November The album features three new tracks, plus their recent. Shop Avons toprated beauty products online. Explore Avons site full of your favorite products including cosmetics skin care jewelry and fragrances. Eminems biography and everything you ever wanted to know about him Find great deals for Peter Pan DVD, 2007, 2Disc Set, Platinum Edition. Shop with confidence on eBay Stan is a song by American rapper Eminem featuring British singer Dido. It was released on November 21, 2000 as the third single from Eminems third album The. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Eminems fortunes made an immediate and dramatic turnaround, immersing the rapper in a frenzy of media attention, accolades and controversy. The album managed to climb up to the 2 slot on the mainstream charts a rare feat for a hip hop album at the time as well as earning itself triple platinum status and placing the lead single My Name Is in the top 4. The tracks Guilty Conscience and 9. Bonnie Clyde would receive an equal amount of attention not because of sales, but as a result of the reaction against some of the violent imagery used in the lyrics both were centered around a man murdering his wife for some reason. Critical response came out as much in favor of the album as against, however, and ultimately The Slim Shady LP prompted a more serious consideration in the mainstream of the hip hoprap genre. In the interim before his next album Eminem contributed to Dr. Dres second solo effort Dr. Dre 2. 00. 1, featuring on the tracks Whats the Difference and Forgot About Dre. His own second effort, The Marshall Mathers LP 2. Another lively outburst of praise and condemnation met its arrival, some calling it the best hip hop album ever released and others decrying its expressions of violence, misogyny and homophobia. These tumultuous developments in his career were accompanied by a corresponding upheaval in his personal life, with the rapper having to juggle a defamation lawsuit from his mother, divorce and custody struggles with his wife Kim Scott and a pair of assault and concealed weapon charges all within the period between late 1. Eminems runaway success inevitably directed significant attention to all of the projects that had his involvement in particular to the group D1. The Dirty Dozen, into whose ranks the rapper had become enlisted during the mid 9. Proof and where he first made use of his Slim Shady pseudonym. This attention made the first properly distributed D1. Autocad 2009 Shortcut Keys Pdf more. Shit on You in 2. Devils Night and the single Purple Pills in 2. Shady Records imprint, founded in 2. The hype surrounding Eminems solo career easily carried the album to the top of the charts in both the States and UK, and helped it to achieve platinum sales. Three years passed before the second D1. D1. 2 World 2. 00. US and UK mainstream charts. For his appropriately named third effort The Eminem Show 2. In addition to taking a more introspective approach to the material, Eminem also assumed a prominent production role on the recordings although his longtime producers Dr. Dre and Jeff Bass of the Bass Brothers both made significant contributions. As had happened with The Marshall Mathers LP, after its release the album made a rapid move to the top of the charts and into multi platinum sales, and while the usual conservative outcry in response to his controversial lyrics was somewhat more subdued this time around, the supportive voices were noticeably milder as well. As is almost inevitable amongst popular music celebrities, Eminem made the decision to add an acting career to his list of activities in the early 0. After an minor, uncredited appearance in the Dr. DreSnoop Dogg vehicle The Wash in 2. Mile 2. 00. 2 a hip hop centered drama loosely based on his own life story. Unlike most popstar movie projects, however, the film received reasonably strong critical notices, as did Eminems acting abilities. The original soundtrack album which featured 4 new solo tracks and one new D1. Lose Yourself even becoming the first hip hop performer to receive an Academy Award for Best Original Song. In 2. 00. 4 the rapper released his fifth full length effort Encore, co produced by himself, Dre, Luis Resto and Mike Elizondo. The usual flurry of controversy was stirred up by the content this time due to the anti Bush sentiments of the songs We As Americans and Mosh, both made available via the internet the latter just prior to the 2. A negative reaction was also instigated by the lead single Just Lose It, which poked fun at the kooky antics of damaged pop icon Michael Jackson many of Jacksons supporters publicly condemned the track, and several networks ceased to broadcast the video as a result. Encore still easily reached the top of the charts and placed four of its singles in the top 4. Critical response to the album was particularly lukewarm, however, and the drop in sales from 8x platinum to a mere 4x platinum was regarded by the industry as a disappointment. An international tour was organized for 2. ABBA Wikipdia. ABBA est un groupe de popsudois fond Stockholm en novembre 1. Le groupe est originellement compos dAgnetha Fltskog, Anni Frid Lyngstad, dite Frida , Benny Andersson et Bjrn Ulvaeus. Les initiales des quatre prnoms formant lacronyme et palindrome ABBA, ce nest quen 1. B invers, sera utilis comme logo. En ce qui concerne les ventes de disques, les chiffres annoncs semblent incertains et divers, allant de 1. En 2. 00. 6, la Fdration internationale de lindustrie phonographique affirmait que le groupe avait vendu 1. Alors que les tats Unis incarnent le plus gros march de lindustrie du disque, seulement 1. ABBA ont t certifis aux USA4, prs de 1. Royaume Uni5 et prs de 8,5 millions de disques tout support confondu en France6. De nos jours, ABBA se targue nanmoins davoir coul pas moins de 3. Historique. En juin 1. Ulvaeus et Andersson se rencontrent en studio et dcident dcrire une chanson ensemble. Leur premire tentative a t Isnt It Easy to Say, une chanson enregistre par la suite par les Hep Stars. Stig Anderson est le fondateur du label Polar Music. Il a vu le potentiel de leur collaboration et les a encourags crire plus. Tous deux ont galement commenc jouer de temps en temps avec dautres groupes sur scne et sur disque, mme si ce nest quen 1. Ljuva sextital Merry Sixties, enregistre par Brita Borg, et The Hep Stars en 1. Speleman Fiddler. Andersson a crit et prsent la chanson Hej, Clown pour le Melodifestivalen de 1. Eurovision. La chanson est relgue la deuxime place. Andersson a rencontr sa future pouse, la chanteuse Anni Frid Lyngstad, qui a galement particip au concours. Un mois plus tard, ils taient devenus un couple. Andersson et Ulvaeus enregistrent leur premier album ensemble en 1. Lycka en Happiness, qui comprenait des chansons originales chantes par les deux hommes. Leurs conjointes sont souvent prsentes dans le studio denregistrement, et parfois sajoutent aux churs Fltskog cocrit une chanson avec les deux. Ulvaeus parfois enregistre et joue avec le groupe Hootenanny Singers jusqu lt 1. Agnetha Fltskog a chant avec un orchestre local dirig par Bernt Enghardt, qui a envoy un enregistrement dune dmo de la bande Karl Gerhard Lundkvist, dmo dune chanson crite et chante par Agnetha, Jag var s kr. Lundkvist a montr un intrt pour Agnetha Fltskog et sa chanson. Il tait tellement impressionn par sa voix quil tait convaincu quelle serait une star. Aprs avoir localis la chanteuse, il sest arrang pour faire venir Agnetha Stockholm et enregistrer deux de ses chansons. Agnetha avec une chanson, a vendu plus de 8. Elle fut trs vite remarque par les critiques et les auteurs compositeurs comme une chanteuse de talent. La plupart de ses plus grands succs ont t auto composs, ce qui tait tout fait inhabituel pour une chanteuse dans les annes 1. Pendant le tournage dune mission de tlvision sudoise en mai 1. Agnetha Fltskog rencontre Ulvaeus. Ils se marient en 1. En 1. 97. 0, les deux couples commencent une session denregistrement, ce sera le troisime album studio Som jag r As I Am. Une tentative de mlanger leurs talents a lieu en avril 1. Chypre. Ce qui tait du chant pour le plaisir sur une plage finit par une performance improvise en direct devant des soldats des Nations unies stationns sur lle. Lide de travailler ensemble et de lancer un groupe de scne, se dcide le 1er novembre 1. Gteborg1. 0. Grand vainqueur du Concours Eurovision de la chanson 1. Waterloo, numro un lchelle internationale, ABBA commence sa carrire modestement avec les titres People Need Love en 1. Disilusion qui sera produite par Agnetha et Bjrn, Ring Ring en 1. Hasta Maana dans certains pays en 1. I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, SOS en 1. Par ailleurs, le groupe est lun des pionniers en matire de vido clips et son image aux costumes excentriques est rapidement associe au kitsch. Ses membres ayant dj connu la gloire de faon individuelle en Sude dans les annes 1. ABBA connat la musique et ne nglige rien de tous les aspects de production. Tout est effectu par les quatre membres du groupe, de lcriture des textes par Bjrn la composition musicale par Benny en passant par les techniques vocales de Anni Frid et Agnetha. Les arrangements, le mixage, le marketing et toutes dcisions importantes passent entre les mains des membres du groupe, quelles soient dordre musical, artistique ou daffaires. Le manager Stig Anderson, souvent appel cinquime membre du groupe, cocrit les textes sur les premiers albums, jusquen 1. Les initiales des quatre prnoms formant lacronyme et palindrome ABBA sont choisis en 1. Grce la chorgraphie de Graham Tainton1. Owe Sandstrm1. 3, le groupe sest fait remarquer non seulement par sa musique. En 1. 97. 6, limage et le son ABBA sont dornavant reconnaissables. Les mlodies sont accrocheuses et les arrangements trs soigns cest ainsi que Mamma Mia et Fernando malgr quelques erreurs de grammaire anglaise occupent la premire place des palmars mondiaux dans le premier semestre de cette mme anne. En juin, ABBA est invit se produire lOpra royal de Stockholm, lors des clbrations du mariage du roi Charles XVI Gustave de Sude et de Silvia Sommerlath. Pour loccasion, ABBA interprte une toute nouvelle chanson dont le titre fera histoire Dancing Queen. Le groupe, portant costumes et perruques baroques, ddie le morceau la jeune reine rayonnante. Ce titre succs sortira sur lalbum Arrival, qui se vendra plus de dix millions dexemplaires dans le monde. Lors de sa sortie, en aot 1. Dancing Queen connat instantanment un succs mondial et est rapidement associe la vague disco de lpoque. La chanson dtient la premire position du palmars de certains pays durant plusieurs mois et lABBAmania fait dornavant fureur partout dans le monde, jusquen Australie, pays o le groupe devaitprcision ncessaire dailleurs rencontrer le plus franc succs. ABBA multiplie les apparitions tlvises. Jeunes et moins jeunes saffichent avec des vtements leffigie ABBA. Les ventes dalbums ne cessent daugmenter et les stations de radiodiffusion ne cessent de diffuser les succs du groupe. Seule lAmrique du Nord est rticente au phnomne ABBA, le Canada lui tant toutefois plus favorable que son voisin du Sud. En Amrique latine et en Espagne, le groupe connat galement un vif succs avec la version espagnole de certains de leurs succs parus ailleurs en anglais. Dautres succs suivent Money, Money, Money Knowing Me, Knowing You The Name of the Game Take a Chance on Me Eagle dans certains pays et Summer Night City. ABBA investit et devient une gigantesque socit conomique. Le groupe et ses membres investissent dans la socit de production qui la vu natre, Polar Music AB, qui devient ds lors Polar Music International AB. ABBA fait aussi construire son propre studio denregistrement, le Polar Music Studios, dans un ancien cinma dsaffect de Stockholm. Polar investit galement dans des usines dassemblage, des chanes de restaurants, des salles de cinma, une galerie dart AH Grafik, une compagnie de ptrole Poloil et se voit dsormais cot en bourse Kubben. Agnetha Oslo en janvier 1. Le sacre suprme arrive en 1. ABBA The Movie connu en France sous le titre Vive Abba tourn en Australie durant la tourne The European Australian Tour de 1.